Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Is Justin Peters Competent to Condemn False Teachers? · Great Bishop of Geneva! : Adoptionism is Heresy : Therefore, so is Paulician Sect
I think Trail of Blood somewhere states that Paulicians were among the ones whom its author considers as the real Apostolic continuity.
Now, the problem is, their book "the key of truth" is known.
It is also edited. And its editor in the prefaces or introductions is giving parts of its doctrine, one aspect being Adoptionism.
The key of truth, a manual of the Paulician church of ... - Gospel Pedlar

If you believe the Holy Trinity, if you believe God the Son became man and that Jesus was no time any other person (though He had another nature too) than God the Son, you have no business accepting Paulicians as Christians. Justin Peters was wrong on more than one item, but he was right to condemn adoptianism:
- Victoria Osteen
- see, Jesus was a man until God touched him and put the Spirit of the Living God on the inside of him - and that's encouraging today.
- Justin Peters
- No, that's heretical today.
Arguably, Victoria Osteen considers Paulicians as Christians. I don't.
One theory of Bulgaria Muslims, a k a Pomaks, is, they go back to Paulicians and Bogumils.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Barbara of Nicomedia
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