söndag 2 februari 2025

My Respects to Patrick Madrid

He wrote a book with the title "Not by Scripture Alone", which obviously is correct.

But he seems to think Sola Scriptura is the greatest drain of souls from the Catholic Church. I disagree. Here is what I sent him on getting to know about his book:

I love to cite your (I think) observation on "blessed among women" being a comparison to Jael and Judith.

However, when it comes to your book "not by scripture alone" I think you may be actually barking up the wrong tree.

I do not believe in Scripture alone. But I do also not believe Protestantism flourishes through the principle of Scripture alone, I followed it as the best I had and it led me to Catholicism.

In the time of Occam, two Catholic schools were both accepted, one of them being "the truths we as Christians must believe are in Scripture alone" and the other being "are in Scripture, unwritten tradition from the apostles, credible chronicles, conclusions that logically follow from all of above plus verified revelation" .... the omission of Magisterium doesn't mean he or either school thought we could brave the Magisterium, it specifically means the Magisterium is as such not an extra corpus of truths, it's a way of conveying the corpus of truth.

I would say the souls that become Protestant, on your view because of Scripture alone, well, as a catchword, rather than a principle, you have a point. Most people who hear that word are not willing to apply it, and gullibly thinks that the one telling them faithfully abides by it. I don't think Mike Gendron does that.

Obviously, we have a much deeper difference if you would class Fundie Catholics, often enough Conclavist or Palmarian, as Protestants via Scripture alone.

You know what? Trent Session IV doesn't specifically condemn Scripture alone other than in so far as someone applying it misleads himself into contradicting Church Fathers or the consistent line over centuries of the magisterium.

Trent Session IV certainly doesn't oblige me or anyone else to accept "Interpretation of the Bible in the Church" by Ratzinger under Wojtyla as "what the Church holds" because it very certainly is not "what the Church hath held".

It is 27.I.2025, 5:44. We'll see if he answers. This will be published in a week./HGL

tisdag 28 januari 2025

A Protestant Reflected on Congar, I Reflect on a Game of Telephone

Here is his video. Below it are my comments, which, apart from one place, I have tried to make it so they follow each other in nearly continuous text. They are still different under his video, and I have been offered dialogue under one of them.

I Was WRONG about Tradition (and you might be too)
Gospel Simplicity | 27 Jan. 2025

It is highly certain that the Apostles had from Christ a complete Christological, Typological exegesis of the Old Testament. On top of the literal one, where apart from prophecy and chronology we have a tendency to agree with the Jews.

How do I know? Luke 24, the Road to Emmaus.

It is highly certain equally that this is not in its entirety contained in the text of the New Testament. As you noted, it is pretty small.

It is equally certain that it has to be preserved to the end of days.

How do I know? Matthew 28:16 to 20. The content of Jesus' mission is all He had commanded them, the extent of it is to all nations and to the end of time. This is by the way a reason Catholics reject pre-tribulation rapture and pre-wrath rapture. The Church remains on earth to the moment Jesus gets down as warrior and then as judge. So, that moment, perhaps already when He appears in the sky while the Antichrist is still alive and fighting, only then those who are still alive both in body (not yet died) and in spirit (not apostasised) will be raptured, arguably, though not necessarily dying and resurrecting in mid-air during this event.

This means, as we are speaking between the Ascension and the Second Coming, there has to be today a Church that has an integral Typological exegesis of the Old Testament in all its parts, on top of the Bible. I argue, this is the Catholic Church. Some would argue "no, the Orthodox" or the Copts or the Armenians. Or the Assyrians. The Protestants do not argue this even, among themselves. They do not make that claim. And as it comes to OT typological exegesis, what Eliezer was to Abraham, Peter with his successors are to Christ.

The Bible cannot (by itself alone) be the definitive encapsulation of Tradition.

The liturgy dates from the Last Supper and from Pentecost. Acts 2:46,47. Additions to its text content (yes, they exist) have been made in faithful reference to the faith once given. Saying that the liturgy of the whole Church had come to include error is implying Jesus had not kept His promise in Matthew 28:16 to 20.

There is another layer to this. Some Protestants claim, I have read this in a Protestant with a Polish (?) last name, and I have heard it pretty much repeated from Gavin Ortlund is, Tradition was in the First Century totally reliable, part of it was written down in the NT texts, and since then, other parts have been distorted by "a game of telephone" (which is a great model for how rumour works but a total non sequitur about how tradition works) and therefore all that now remains for certain of that Tradition is in Scripture, same form or other form. Lutherans will usually say the Apostolic Creed is from the Apostles, or were saying it, and they will certainly use it. But each item can be very easily parallelled in Scripture. Items that can not be as securely traced would, on this view, have been lost.

This loss also, as a by-product of distortions, would contradict Matthew 28:16 to 20.

Now, what is the typological sense of Jael and (if you admit the book Judith, by the way you should)?

I don't think a Protestant really has an answer to this. To the Catholic, the answer is obvious from the beginning, the first three words, of one verse in Deborah's song:

Blessed among women be Jahel the wife of Haber the Cinite, and blessed be she in her tent.

So, whom did Mary kill?

That's what She must have pondered when the angel greeted Her. By the way, he said the words before Her pregnancy.

Elisabeth adds "and blessed is the fruit of thy womb" ... whom did Mary and Jesus kill? I think Genesis 3:15 is the sole answer. And as Mary in Herself is not the Redeemer, the only way in which She can truly have been said to have killed Satan is to be first among the redeemed. Given what is Satan's victory, sin, this must have been totally absent from Her.

I take it from tradition that She is utterly sinless, I take it from Jael, Judith, Gabriel and Elisabeth and from God in Eden that She crushed the Head of Satan, not by the Incarnation, but before it.

The Protestant rejects the Tradition, and he lacks, contrary to Luke 24:27 a typological reading of Jael. Remember, not just a few key points of the OT, but all of it involves things about Christ (and about His Mother, and about His Church and ...).

Sure, if he said "we could reconstruct the missing parts from what remains in Scripture" he would be on to something. If he faithfully did that, he would find Catholic Tradition time after time (as I've examplified with Mary) match the most probable original content of that unwritten "lost" tradition, and finally conclude it wasn't missing after all. But alas he is more likely to say "we just can't tell this side of eternity" ... which is wrong.

[He transitions to things in Congar that he or I don't agree with]

Congar's distinction between "Tradition" (capital T, like the Bible) and "traditions" (not necessarily binding), does he place "sign of the Cross" in the latter category?

Because, most Catholics would actually say that sign of the Cross like worship on Sundays belongs to Apostolic tradition. I e it is a Monument of Tradition.

That we don't find it mentioned in the NT texts directly is a red herring for the Protestants who say it came later. To a Catholic this is simply the case because the NT itself was not the liturgical handbook (other than for readings) of the original Church.

Dyzma Damachus
I'd say the sign of the cross is a t tradition. Most customs are. You can do it, but you don't have to. Though I'm open to hear an opposing argument on this.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@dyzmadamachus9842 All Churches with Apostolic Succession do it and teach it is obligatory.

I think also all would point to "take up his Cross and follow me" (Matthew 16:24) and say the Apostles (or Christ Himself) made the sign a reminder of the duty to deny oneself. It would still be an oral tradition, since the words as such don't strictly imply it.

I don't know what you mean by something just being vaguely passed down.

I don't know how that would function.

We all learn the alphabet by oral tradition. A teacher (someone at home or a teacher in school) writes a letter, and orally pronounces it. When a child first sees the shape of A, he does not know it is associated with the sound of AH or UH or in English even A of Bat or EY of Late. He must learn this from the parent or school teacher, and he cannot learn it by reading, since that's what he's just starting to be taught, not a thing he already knows. Every child knows the alphabet (if at all) by oral tradition.

I absolutely do not see how this could degenerate into a game of telephone.

And when it comes to the subject of tradition, as in the bishops, whom Congar mentions, the instructions on getting them in the Bible go like this:

Holding the mystery of faith in a pure conscience And let these also first be proved: and so let them minister, having no crime
[1 Timothy 3:9-10]

In other words, very unlike the game of telephone, St. Paul makes sure that the subject of tradition as active subject is first well instructed himself before he starts passing on the instructions to the next generation of faithful. So, what's your scenario for how something gets "just vaguely passed down"? I don't know any.

Some among Creationists would see Pagan version of the Flood story as a school example of an inexact passing down, a distortion as a simple function of time or generation shifts. I'd disagree. The distortion certainly is there, but I'd say it is often deliberate. Babylonian theology makes a distinction between a god of Justice and Order, Enlil, and a Trickster god who is Friend of Mankind, Enki. The hugest distortion in the Babylonian Flood narrative would be saying "Enlil was angry, so Enki warned Utnapishtim" ... it's a theological shift amounting to Apostasy, and has nothing to do with game of telephone. Smaller shifts are things like attaching the participants to specific dynasties of Babylonian royalty (or reducing a pre-Flood lineage, real or merging Cainite with Sethite, to Babylonian royalty) as ruler of Shuruppak, or limiting the geographic scope to Mesopotamia in order to give an impression (reminiscent of Chinese maps of the pre-colonial times) that Mesopotamia is the centre of the world, there is Mesopotamia, and then marginal localities. Only a little would be due to "bad memory and free reinsertion" ... like the shape of the Ark replaced by a giant version of a Mesopotamian coracle.

Some would say the Greeks show it could be done, by their belief in Hercules. The correct view is, he really existed, he really was extraordinarily strong, he really killed monsters (or at a minimum was in his lifetime reported to have done so, whatever he may have really been doing), he dominated Iolaus and Hylas in unhealthy ways, he was struck with madness and killed his first wife ... and he was misunderstood as sth like "son of Zeus" already in his own lifetime. Probably contributed to it by being a braggart and physically intimidating. If we have good reasons to doubt Zeus was even worshipped in Mycenaean times, as he lived while Troy was still standing, the hero worship of Hercules was translated to fit the new false theology as it replaced the old one. Again, the distortions come from a false theology, one already Apostatic from the original worship of God even before Hercules lived, and are not simply a function of the passing of time.

We would on the contrary argue that Genesis 1 to 11 (if Genesis 1 was revealed to Adam in integrity) or Genesis 2 to 11, with some words put back into Genesis 1 (if it was revealed to Moses) are a school example of very exact transmission under oral conditions. There are two good mnemonic tricks to faithfully transmit an oral text, one of them is verse (and the Iliad was preserved between Homer and the sons of Peisistratus this way) and the other is briefness, and all the other chapters of Genesis (after or from 12) are more prolix, as if someone was using writing and stocking written accounts in the baggage of the caravan or possessions of the Beduin tribe. But the stories in the chapters 2 to 11 at least are very brief calculated for memorisation.

If you have learned the Apostolic Creed by heart and kept it alive by reciting it daily, you know this is possible. And under such conditions, why would the Tradition have suffered distortion, other than locally?

"Is it apostolic or is it not"

That's like looking at the sky, seeing Sun and Moon pass from East to West, seeing stars do the same, and asking "is it heaven turning, or is it earth turning, for that we need a proof" ... the appearance is proof presumptive as long as there is no proof to the contrary (which, by the way, there isn't).

Similarily a tradition of the Church is proof presumptive, as long as there is no proof to the contrary. Now, if a tradition were purely local, and found itself rejected from other places, that would for instance be proof to the contrary. Or if a tradition (lower case) were clearly shown to contradict Scripture, similarily. But it could only be shown to contradict Scripture as Scripture is read universally through the Church. An ad hoc reading of Scriture verses just to contradict a tradition is out of court.

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment:
Hebrews 9:27

This universally means, whether someone goes to Heaven or to Hell is decided after death. Pretty immediately. It doesn't mean everyone who gets to Heaven gets there immediately. It is therefore not a prooftext against Purgatory. It becomes even ludicrous when some Protestants then teach soul sleep, as if the general judgement at the end of time were the first judgment, and not a second confirmation of it, with resurrected body and public knowledge for all of the fate added, and then they still rely on people who considered Hebrews 9:27 to disprove Purgatory. Some Orthos would also teach soul sleep, but they would definitely be praying for their dead.

So, the Protestants who took this to dismiss Purgatory were misusing Scripture. It's a good proof for tradition, in the hand of one who knows it, but it's not a good arbiter of tradition in a man who mistakenly takes upon himself to sift in Tradition, for no purpose other than a mistaken notion of what it is or how it relates to Christ's promise.

"firm standard"

Have you heard of case law?

Sure, it has been heavily abused about the Establishment Clause, as Scholastic Answers mentioned recently, but it is a thing.

St. Thomas referred to the lives of the saints as case law. It was a thing in Medieval Europe too.

For instance, St. Barbara is case law about things like obedience to one's father and St. Lucy on obedience to the prince and both about "be fruitful and multiply" ... each of which is not unlimited, as we see by this case law. By the way, the Tradition that these are saints is not strictly speaking Apostolic Tradition, since they lived and were martyred after the Apostles died. However it is definitely application of Apostolic Tradition for instance judging from "greater love hath no man" or from the miraculous powers of relics (Acts of Apostles 19:12, 4 Kings 13:21).

Case law is a firm standard by which you judge applications and interpretations of the law. (Apart from abuses, as mentioned). There are other things about the law that are not in the text itself but nevertheless are essential to its correct interpretation. For instance, we deal with cases according to current legal practise. There may sometimes be a reason to deviate from it or change it, but usually a wooden literal reading of the law text is not a reason to deviate from current legal practise. St. Thomas applies this to Apostolic era rules about abstaining from blood food and head covering for women in Church: he says, they still oblige to this day where this has remained the legal practise, but they are not sinful to omit where this is not the case.

Obviously, legal practise is a thing where corruptions can creep in, due to undue pragmatism. For instance, it's pretty obvious why going on a Crusade or physically with hands or giving of building stones helping to construct a Church should gain an indulgence. At a certain time which you may be familiar with, this could be replaced by giving money to an authorised official of the Church, one of those bearing the name Tetzel. The Council of Trent changed this legal practise of replacing certain acts with money gifts.

"not evident it is the Roman Catholic Church"

Fair enough as far as the concept of Tradition is concerned. But it is still evident it is not any Protestant denomination. When we look at the rest, Catholics, Orthodox, those rejecting Chalcedon (two groups at least, maybe a third), those rejecting Ephesus, it's not like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Between these, one can prudentially adjudicate based on other matters, in order to find which one. As a revert from Orthodoxy, I know for a fact that filioque was taught in equipollent words by St. Athanasius and in the exact word by the First Council of Toledo, which issued an anti-Priscillianist explanation of the faith. I also know Caerularius pretended Jesus had not ritually conducted a Seder, which I find an unbelievable statement, and badly argued. It is their case for rejecting unleavened bread.

1) In Caerularius' time, the phrase "artos azymos" had been shortened to "azymos" and he argued from the Gospel text saying "artos" ... which in his Greek, but certainly not that of the Gospeller, was a different thing from "azymos"
2) He argued that Jesus had been celebrating the Last Supper before the Seder of the other Jews and would have broken the law if He had actually made a Seder one evening too early. Well, supposing this were true, which some have shown clear other possibilities about, there are at least two scenarios in which it would be possible for Jesus to have done this lawfully. a) He could have started Nisan by observing the new moon one evening earlier, for geographic reasons, if he was at Caesarea Maritima or for reason of negligent observations at the Temple, and He could have not been informed by emissaries from the Temple avoiding to talk to Him; b) He could have got a special permission from Kaiaphas, and since the OT was still ongoing, Kaiaphas had this authority of dispensation. If Jesus had obeyed Kaiaphas at this occasion, He would have been keeping the law, even if not in the exact same way. And Kaiaphas could have given the permission as an act of humanity while knowing He would have to get Jesus killed on the Parascheve before the Pesakh started.


Then you contradict and undermine Scripture.

1) You contradict Scripture when you say the magisterium cannot adjudicate irreformably, since Jesus says the opposite to Peter (Matthew 16) and to the Twelve in general (Matthew 18).
2) You undermine Scripture, because the fixedness of the canon depends on the Church having this power.

By the way, if you want to argue that the Church has Scripture before 382 AD, I would say that the first infallible decisions applied to each book. St. Peter was aware of and probably author of a canon list for the Pauline letters. Since these decisions partly came to be forgotten, the further infallible decisions 382 to 401 were harmonising ecclesial traditions about the Apostolic magisterium. You say it was not infallible? Unfortunately, the epistle of Peter mentions a canon list of Pauline letters, but doesn't give it. If Damasus I or the bishops around the world coming to accept the decisions from 382 to 401 were not infallible, what Pauline Epistle do you want to get rid of? The Pastorals? Liberal theologians within Protestantism could tell you "been there, done that" ... unlike Bart Ehrman repeating them, they were considered as Christians in 19th C. Germany or current Scandinavia (or at least Scandinavia a few decades ago).

"but equally so there's a reason why these debates haven't been settled even 500 years after the Reformation"

If you take the Reformation as good, you will consider the reason as the Church (in which you include Protestant denominations) not having infallible authority.

If you take the Reformation as bad, which I do, you will consider the reason as Protestant denominations not being the Church in the first place and therefore not having infallible authority.

As to debate between Protestants and Catholics, the Church and its rival(s) exist as population, all of which are not debating. A population that is wrong will continue to be wrong by ignoring the debates or ignoring the best parts of it. That's how Samarian populations remained disunited to Old Testament Judaism. Jesus tells the woman that the Jews were in the right. I e, those known back then as Jews. This is typically, but not always the case. We have a prophecy of Jewish conversion in the End Times. Individuals do engage in debates, and some switch sides due to that.

I would finally say, the place where Congar goes wrong is, he says the echo of the ecclesia docta (the Church as being taught, which includes both simple priests, who are not bishops, and laymen) comes back in a non-identical form.

When it comes to purely verbal expression, sure. Someone may come up with a catchier phrase and it gets adopted. The point is, in the light of Matthew 28:16 to 20 this can only happen all over the Church and for a time sufficient to quench memory of opposing views, if it is in substance part of what was revealed. It may bring out an implication where the Scripture and Apostolic Tradition only gave premisses, but it cannot be alien to it.

But when it comes to substance, this will not happen. Arguably Congar will nominally agree with this point. But the words he used and his insistance on distinguishing Capital T Tradition from lower case t traditions, he has paved the way for abuses like pretending that Geocentrism and Young Earth Creationism, very clearly ecclesial traditions of exegesis and also philosophy, do not belong to Capital T Tradition, they were just lower case t traditions, and the magisterium is free to change them. Not so.

Trent Session IV gives a safeguard against this. The individual conscience is certainly bound to what the Church "hath held and now holdeth" ... but not to what the Church "now holdeth" and "hath recently discovered" / "hath not held before" ... This is a safeguard against obedience to the Reformers, very undue, but also against obedience to Ratzinger and similar.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Peter Nolascus

Sancti Petri Nolasci Confessoris, qui Ordinis beatae Mariae de Mercede redemptionis captivorum exstitit Fundator, et octavo Kalendas Januarii obdormivit in Domino.

lördag 25 januari 2025

Mariann Budde is Not a Bishop, True Story

Here a man is saying, she's not a real bishop:

Woke Leftist 'Bishop' Gets Brutal News After Lecturing President Trump
Explain America | 24 Jan. 2025

And, in a sense he is right about that exact statement, here is my comment on the video:

She's not a bishop, because she is a woman.
Same problem with even very conservative women pastors trying to celebrate communion.

Plus, in both cases, they are Protestants who lack apostolic succession.

Jesus, the eleven (John 20), people they laid hands on (Acts 1 for Matthias, then Acts 8:19,20 not doing this with Simon Magus), then Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13), then Timothy and Titus (II Tim 1:6), then the people they laid hands on (I Tim 5:22). And so on to the end of time (Matthew 28:16 through 20).

She's not in that line, which Anglicans (with few recent High Church exceptions due to some Orthodox) since Matthew Parker and similar have not been in. Same for Church of Sweden since at least the successor of Laurentius Petri from Nericia. Why? Because he made it clear, he was not ordaining priests to offer up the sacrifice of the Mass, that makes all of his ordinations and all consecrations to episcopacy null and void.

Same is true for a pastor like John McArthur. He's also not the line of the Apostles.

So, she's not a bishop, and Eliud Wabukala, an Anglican bishop from Kenya, so called, is also not a bishop. Given he's in Anglican Realignment, he's definitely conservative and might not ordain women. He's also not a bishop.

But when it comes to her words ... stating she overstepped is like pretending clergy need to be subservient to statesmen. It's like saying St. John Fisher had it coming for opposing Henry VIII, and mind you, his refusal to swear the Oath of Supremacy was much more outspoken. Mariann Budde told the president he might risk overstepping what God grants statesmen in power. St. John Fisher clearly implied that Henry VIII had already done that.

When it came to LGBT people, she may have echoed their undue fears, but she echoed them mildly.

It's even a bit like when a certain Richard Dawkins said that any real bishop accepts Evolution. I'm certain that Bishop Williamson is a real bishop. I am also certain he's a Young Earth Creationist. So, you get no sympathies from me on this one.

More content in this format, link to video and comments, sometimes on side issues, on the blogs:
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere (ENG)
Répliques Assorties (FR)
Antworten nach Sorte (DE)

söndag 1 december 2024

"Ecclesialism, Apostolic Tradition, OK, But Aren't Orthodox Purer? Don't They Condemn Statues?"

First, here is an Orthodox priest speaking:

Is The Orthodox Church AGAINST Statues? ☦️

No, Hagia Sophia had statues prior to iconoclasm.

But there is, next, another answer.

I have been in Arles and seen a museum. One of the pieces was a sarcophagus from Roman times, before Constantine. It had in High Relief images of the Twelve Apostles.

Third, the image of the Cross is a statue.

So, no, Orthodoxy in fact doesn't in practise condemn sculture./HGL

tisdag 12 november 2024

Duchess of Dorchester, Revisited

Jeremias 7 and 44 and the Duchess of Dorchester · Duchess of Dorchester, Revisited

Let's take a look at Jeremias 7.

18 hab·bā·nîm mə·laq·qə·ṭîm ‘ê·ṣîm, wə·hā·’ā·ḇō·wṯ mə·ḇa·‘ă·rîm ’eṯ- hā·’êš, wə·han·nā·šîm lā·šō·wṯ bā·ṣêq; la·‘ă·śō·wṯ kaw·wā·nîm lim·le·ḵeṯ haš·šā·ma·yim, wə·has·sêḵ nə·sā·ḵîm lê·lō·hîm ’ă·ḥê·rîm, lə·ma·‘an haḵ·‘i·sê·nî.
18 the sons gather wood and the fathers kindle the fire and the women knead dough to make cakes for queen of the heaven and [they] pour out drink offerings to gods other that they may provoke Me to anger

Now, let's look at Jeremias 13.

18 ’ĕ·mōr lam·me·leḵ wə·lag·gə·ḇî·rāh haš·pî·lū šê·ḇū; kî yā·raḏ mar·’ă·šō·w·ṯê·ḵem, ‘ă·ṭe·reṯ tip̄·’ar·tə·ḵem.
18 Say to the king and to the queen mother Humble yourselves Sit down for shall collapse your rule the crown of your glory

Let's look at the words used for queen.

lim·le·ḵeṯ = 4446. meleketh wə·lag·gə·ḇî·rāh = 1377. gebirah
meleketh: Work, craftsmanship, occupation gebirah: Queen, Mistress, Lady
Original Word: מְלֶכֶת
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: meleketh
Pronunciation: meh-leh-keth
Phonetic Spelling: (mel-eh'-keth)
Definition: Work, craftsmanship, occupation
Meaning: a queen
 Original Word: גְּבִירָה
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: gebirah
Pronunciation: gheh-bee-RAH
Phonetic Spelling: (gheb-ee-raw')
Definition: Queen, Mistress, Lady
Meaning: a mistress
Word Origin: Derived from the root word מְלָאכָה (melakah), which means "work" or "occupation." Word Origin: Derived from the root גָּבַר (gabar), meaning "to be strong" or "to prevail."

As any Catholic Scholar knowing Hebrew would tell you, Mary is not the "meleketh" of Heaven, but the "gebirah" of Heaven.

Joe Heschmeyer is right now telling us so over here:

What the Davidic Kings Reveal About Mary
Shameless Popery Podcast | 12.XI.2024

So, my analogy is actually imperfect. Imagine instead that the fake "Duchess of Dorchester" (a drag queen) was an insult to the "Princess of Dorchester" (actual title foreseen by the King).

Since Heaven involves rest, its Queen being called anything like "work" is degrading to Heaven. But its Queen-Mother being called sth like "strength" or "prevailing" actually is worthy of the Blessed Virgin, since by sinlessness She was made to prevail against Satan and was completely victorious over him, as I've often said in commenting on "Blessed Among Women" ....

Hans Georg Lundahl
Pope St. Martin I

Sancti Martini Primi, Papae et Martyris, cujus dies natalis sextodecimo Kalendas Octobris recensetur.

lördag 9 november 2024

Did the Devil Retain His Power? Revisited, Still No

Did the Devil Retain His Power? No · Did the Devil Retain His Power? Revisited, Still No

Taylor Alesia was making a point that fame as an artist comes to those who are favoured by "the prince of this world" ...

Her Bible quote was II Cor 4:4, which reads: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of unbelievers, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not shine unto them.

Now, what does the Haydock comment say?

Ver. 4. In whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of unbelievers.[1] Thus the words are placed, both in the Latin and Greek text, so that the true God seems to be called the God of this world, as he is elsewhere called the God of heaven, the God of Abraham. God, says St. Chrysostom, blinded, that is, permitted them to be blinded. Others translate, in whom God hat blinded the minds of the infidels of this world; so that this world may be joined with unbelievers, and not with God: and by the God of this world, some understand the devil, called sometimes the prince of this world, that is, of the wicked. (Witham)

So, one can read this as God, the true and good God, blinds the minds of unbelievers. And this means, He permits them to blind themselves.

Not because He loves falsehood, but because the blindness is a punishment. These had already chosen some falsehood or evil (like the circular proof of "Heliocentrism with Newton shows the Solar System works without God, and there being no God shows the Solar System has no other solution than Heliocentrism with Newton" (usually not pronounced in the same moment, the self deception requires some distancing from the very obvious vicious circle)).

But suppose we read instead "God of this world" = "prince of this world" = "the devil"?

Well, it still doesn't mean Satan retains his powers over mankind as prince of the world, he was judged at Calvary, it means he is the one falsely adored by those who refuse to adore the true God.

So, still no proof that seeking literary or artistic fame would depend on striking a deal with the Devil ... but here is more to take from the question:

The footnote [1] reads:
[1] Ver. 4. In quibus Deus hujus sæculi excæcavit mentes infidelium, en ois o Theos tou aionos toutou etuphlose ta noemata ton apiston. St. Chrysostom, om. e. p. 594. lin. 11. says, it should be read thus: anagnosteon, oti ton apiston tou aionos toutou, etuphlosen o theos [] oemata.

The Latin and Greek positions of the words would permit taking it as "unbelievers of this world" ... yes, even if the Genitive is normally placed after the main noun, and next to it, you can both have a Genitive before and also words inserted between. For instance, if the main noun is also a Genitive, as is the case, that one and its Genitive can surround the main main noun.

Wonder how St. Thomas takes it?

Causa ergo huius occultationis est non ex parte Evangelii, sed propter eorum culpam et malitiam. Et hoc est quod subdit in quibus Deus huius saeculi, et cetera. Et hoc potest exponi tribus modis. Primo modo sic: Deus huius saeculi, id est Deus qui est dominus huius saeculi et omnium rerum creatione et natura, iuxta illud Ps. XXIII, 1: domini est terra, et plenitudo eius, orbis terrarum, excaecavit mentes infidelium, non inducendo malitiam, sed merito, imo demerito praecedentium peccatorum subtrahendo gratiam. Is. VI, 10: excaeca cor populi huius, et cetera. Unde et praecedentia peccata insinuat, cum dicit infidelium, quasi infidelitas eorum fuerit causa huius excaecationis. Secundo modo sic: Deus huius saeculi, id est Diabolus, qui dicitur Deus huius saeculi, id est saeculariter viventium, non creatione sed imitatione, qua saeculares eum imitantur. Sap. II, 25: imitantur eum, qui sunt, et cetera. Et hic excaecat suggerendo, trahendo et inclinando ad peccata. Et sic quando iam sunt in peccatis, operiuntur in tenebris peccatorum ne videant. Eph. IV, 18: tenebris obscuratum habentes intellectum, et cetera. Tertio modo sic: Deus habet rationem ultimi finis, et complementum desideriorum totius creaturae. Unde quidquid aliquis sibi pro fine ultimo constituit in quo eius desiderium quiescit, potest dici Deus illius. Unde cum habes pro fine delicias, tunc deliciae dicuntur Deus tuus; similiter etiam si voluptates carnis, vel honores. Et tunc exponitur sic: Deus huius saeculi, id est illud quod homines saeculariter viventes sibi pro fine constituunt, ut puta voluptates, vel divitiae et huiusmodi. Et sic Deus excaecat mentes, inquantum impedit ne homines lumen gratiae hic, et gloriae in futuro, videre possint.

Commentarium in Secundam ad Corinthios
(scroll down to Caput 4, Lectio 2, I'm only quoting part)

So, "the God of this world" means three different things, that blind unbelievers in three different ways:
  • God takes away the grace as punishment;
  • the Devil by tempting;
  • the false gods or ends, by distracting.

They are also called "the God of this world" in three different ways:
  • God is the owner and creator of not just Heaven but also Earth and all that is in it;
  • the Devil is the God or Role Model of all worldly people;
  • whatever you worship is your God, so for instance money or fame is worshipped, not just desired, but worshipped, by some.

We do not have any reason to believe from this that all media and all famous and powerful people are ultimately controlled by the Devil, since the true God can also give fame and power and that to people who seek Him.
/Hans Georg Lundahl

onsdag 16 oktober 2024

Joshua Infantado Tried to Debunk Purgatory

He admits* these are six Bible passages we Catholics use to prove Purgatory, giving explanations for each:

  • 2 Maccabees 12:39-46: Prayers for the dead suggest an intermediate state where souls can benefit from such prayers.
  • 2 Timothy 1:18: Paul’s prayer for Onesiphorus indicates a belief that the dead can be helped by the prayers of the living.
  • Matthew 12:32: Jesus mentions that some sins will not be forgiven “either in this age or in the age to come,” implying post-death purification.
  • Luke 23:43: Jesus tells the thief on the cross that he will be in Paradise, which some interpret as an intermediate state before Heaven.
  • 1 Corinthians 3:11-15: Describes a process where believers’ works are tested by fire after death, which aligns with the purifying process of purgatory.
  • Hebrews 12:29: Refers to God as a “consuming fire,” symbolizing the purification process.

He could have omitted Luke 23:43, according to us, Purgatory is not paradisal, and Abraham's bosom was above Purgatory in Sheol. The thief was going to be where the poor Lazarus had been prior to Jesus raising him, and as Jesus was going to be there too, that was paradisal. Purgatory remains where it is, but the souls in Abraham's bosom are in the meantime taken up to Heaven, but this only happened after Jesus' resurrection.

We usually tend to explain John 20:17 as referring to the last moment Jesus was seen on Earth before lifting up these souls into Heaven, and that the same day, before further appearances on Earth during forty days.

Now, he pretended that Luke 12:59 does not prove purgatory. Here it is:

And when thou goest with thy adversary to the prince, whilst thou art in the way, endeavour to be delivered from him: lest perhaps he draw thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the exacter, and the exacter cast thee into prison I say to thee, thou shalt not go out thence, until thou pay the very last mite
[Luke 12:58-59]

Here is his comment:

No, Luke 12:59 does not prove purgatory. This verse is often cited in discussions about purgatory, but it does not explicitly refer to the concept. The context of Luke 12:59 is about making peace with your enemy.

While the context indeed involves making peace with one's enemies, Joshua is providing no interpretation compatible with his Thnetopsychist position. Some Orthodox who deny Purgatory refer this to Hell, "the catch 22 is, you can never pay the last mite" ... but as Joshua is a Thnetopsychist, he cannot take this view. So, how does the Catholic view fit making peace with one's enemies? Well, some sins are forgiven us because we have forgiven our enemies.

What did Joshua say about 2 Maccabees 12?

The Book of Maccabees is not included in the canon of the inspired Word of God for a reason. It contains teachings that contradict the Bible’s core messages.

He doesn't specify which ones, nor how the core messages are supposed to be proven in ways that show them contradicting either of the two books of Maccabees.

The non-inclusion is not an originally Christian one, it was first a Jewish one, after they had rejected Christ (meaning Romans 3:2 no longer applies to them), then a Protestant one (in misapplication of Romans 3:2).

What advantage then hath the Jew, or what is the profit of circumcision Much every way. First indeed, because the words of God were committed to them
[Romans 3:1-2]

This refers to the division of Jew and Gentile still predominating in St. Paul's day, not to the only beginning division between Jew and Christian. At this time, the Jewish canon was not closed as to the Ketuvim, and was only closed (with exclusion of I and II Maccabees and a few more) after the rejection of Christ, making them depositaries of the words of God no more.

For example, 2 Maccabees 12:39-46 discusses praying for the dead, a practice that has roots in pagan traditions rather than biblical teachings.

That pagans did a thing before Jews and Christians doesn't prove it wrong. If pagans did a thing condemned in the Bible and later some Jews, and after the apostasy of Jews some Christians, but not all, came to do that, that would be a wrong thing. But pagans are not wrong about everything, and therefore pagan pioneering of a practise doesn't prove the practise wrong.

Claiming that purgatory is true because early Jews believed in it is a weak argument, as the Jews were not always faithful to the Hebrew Scriptures. The Old Testament frequently recounts their departure from God and involvement in idolatry.

Now, this is a very interesting thing. Clearly, the idea of praying for the dead was pretty constant between the time of II Maccabees and Rabbi Akiba. This includes the time of Our Lord's public ministry. In certain things where they clearly departed from the law, like the issue of Corban vs the normal way of honouring Father and Mother, Jesus did reprove them.

If the practise existed in Jesus' time, if Jesus condemned practises that contradicted the law, and if it contradicted the law, why did He not condemn it? If Joshua goes like "oh, maybe He did condemn it, but it just didn't make the way into a Gospel" why so if God Who knows all of time could foresee the Church going wrong? Especially, as Jesus clearly didn't foresee the Church as a whole going wrong (Matthew 28:16—20).

Now, unlike the Reformers, Joshua Infantado tries to disprove Purgatory by Thnetopsychism. He tries to support that with the Bible.

First item:
The soul that sinneth, the same shall die: the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, and the father shall not bear the iniquity of the son: the justice of the just shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him
[Ezechiel (Ezeckiel) 18:20]

This does not refer to extinction of the soul, but to its spiritual death, or one could say that in the context of OT death penalty, all punishments by God were spoken of in analogy with death penalty and "The soul that sinneth, the same shall die" means no one else will be lapidated for a specific persons crime against the law. But to return to spiritual death, Adam's soul spiritually died the day he ate of the forbidden fruit, even if he still had 930 years to live before he died. Spiritual death is something other than extinction of the soul.

Second item:
Wonder not at this; for the hour cometh, wherein all that are in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son of God And they that have done good things, shall come forth unto the resurrection of life; but they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of judgment
[John 5:28-29]

We agree** that our bodies will resurrect and that there will be a public and visible judgement and that bodies will go where souls already are, Heaven or Hell. This does not disprove the particular judgement of each souls directly after death, nor that some judged for glory are judged to a delay first, which is called Purgatory.

The rest of his article involves lots of generalities that are not quite to the point.

  • "No One Can Work Out Your Salvation for You" ... "One person cannot perform good works and credit them to another." — Does not follow. If someone in the early Church did not complete a penance, but died first, someone else was likely to take up the parts that were lacking. Now, each must certainly perform some good work, if only to be baptised. As that is done passively, children also can be baptised.

  • "No one can save you but God" — also, no one could spare Sodom but God. However, we see that God would, conditionally, have spared Sodom, due to two conditions fulfillable by men:
    • the prayer of Abraham
    • the presence of ten just in Sodom.

    The analogy to the ten just would be dying in peace with God, dying in a state of grace. But the analogy to the prayer of Abraham would be the prayers for someone's release from Purgatory.

  • "Misinterpreted Bible Verses" — Joshua Infantado refuses to provide a correct interpretation that doesn't include Purgatory. And still does include all of the truth in the verses.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Hedwig of Poland***

(15.X) Cracoviae, in Polonia, natalis sanctae Hedwigis Viduae, Polonorum Ducissse, quae, pauperum obsequio dedita, etiam miraculis claruit; et a Clemente Quarto, Pontifice Maximo, Sanctorum numero adscripta est. Ipsius autem festivitas sequenti die celebratur.
(16.X) Sanctae Hedwigis Viduae, Polonorum Ducissae, quae pridie hujus diei obdormivit in Domino.

* His article is on this link:
Becoming Christians: Is Purgatory in the Bible?

** Back in the day certainly Albigensians and probably Waldensians too didn't believe in the resurrection of the body. It was us Catholics who defended that.

*** Speaking of II Maccabees, chapter 15 endorses that saints, in the afterlife, pray for us. If in Luke 16 Our Lord didn't intend to give the impression Abraham could still pray for things in the afterlife, it's very curious He gave an example which, given such beliefs already existing, would have been prone to misunderstanding in His day.